
Launching the New

It’s been really fun at Automattic as we built the new It’s cool to manage a WordPress site so quickly and beautifully. On top of that, it made building the for Mac app a reality. I’ve been beta-testing the app for a month or so now and have been really pleased with it.

If nothing else, seeing that W in the dock is pretty cool.


When I’m on my big monitor at home I usually have the reader tab open at the smallest width on the side of my screen. It’s a quick way to have a lot of information at-a-glance and also see notifications quickly from all our company P2s. With that up it makes it easy to also create new drafts, because the new editor is so fast to load and autosaves quickly too.

The cool thing about this launch is that the product today isn’t really so different than it was yesterday. If you’ve been using over the last year and a half, you’ve been watching the product be built and released bit by bit. But what is different is that it’s now open source. Anyone can view the code, contribute to it, and use it to make the next cool thing in the WordPress community.

Some required reading if you really want to dig into this launch:

By Alex

Web Developer and Fitness Coach in Louisville, KY

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