
New Glasses

Been three years since my last pair.

Fatherhood Life

A New Line of Work

Today is my last day working at OOHology. Starting tomorrow, I’ll be a full-time dad.


Absurdist Parenting

Three-year-olds are sometimes called “three-nagers.” They can go from excited and playful to moody and recalcitrant with seemingly no explanation. In those moments, I sometimes get upset too. I like playing with Grace, even to the point of spoiling. But when I take the time and effort to put her fun first, that three-nager attitude […]


Still Reading Recently

The Art of Procrastination by John Perry What some may think is tongue in cheek is actually brutally honest in this short, funny book. My wife and I are both procrastinators, so we had a good evening me reading this book instead of working and her listening to the best laugh lines every ten minutes […]


Even More Recent Reading

Essentialism by Greg McKeown I got so much out of this book, I read it twice in two days. I made some immediate changes to my business and schedule right afterwards. I wish I’d read this a year ago. The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin I wish I’d read this ten years ago. I […]



168 hours a week. Sleep for 56 and you still have 112 remaining. Work 40, commute 10, and you still have 62 hours under your command.


Rich, Happy, and Saving the World

Holidays are good times to reflect on how we’re living our life and how it can be done best. This talk is one I return to a lot, and it seemed appropriate today. Happy Father’s Day.


Begin Again

It’s tempting to catch up, do extra, race harder, or double down. Looking back at what’s been done (or more often in my case, ruminating on how much less than desired is done) and demanding a new, better pace going forward. But none of those options gives you any more hours, any more energy, or […]


The Cure for Burnout

I have no idea what the cure for burnout would be, but I’m on the search for it. And fire seems to help.


Using Stylus to Change the WordPress Admin Bar

A member of the WordPress Louisville meetup that I co-organize sent me an email today. They recently found where you can change your admin color scheme in the WordPress user settings. But a caveat with that setting is that when logged into the site but viewing the front end with the admin bar, that bar […]