
2020 Reading Review

Looking back, I see 2020 as a year of re-establishing my principles. One of those was retraining a habit of reading. In March, my best friend Danny and I started texting each other everyday that we’d read at least 10 pages of a book. Any book counted: fiction/non-fiction, light/heavy, intellectual/dumb. In addition to the following I read many many comic books that I didn’t want to take time to list.

So while this is not a long list, it’s more than I would’ve read without some intention built in. And now that I’m reading again I’m sure I’ll do more in 2021.

Skin in the Game by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Another entry in Taleb’s Incerto series of books. Fun, interesting, and at its worst still great content to argue against.

Jump Rope Training by Buddy Lee

Buddy Lee is incomparable in the jump rope world. This was his first book. It has me convinced to take his seminar at some point. They had one scheduled at a CrossFit affiliate nearby, but like so many other events it was rescheduled then cancelled in response to Covid-19.

Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer

Danny and I thoroughly discussed this on our podcast this summer:

The Money Tree by Chris Guillebeau

Quick read, the kind of book you’d give to a high schooler with an entrepreneurial itch.

Happy City by Charles Montgomery

Long on my “to read” list from Mr. Money Mustache

Walkable City Rules by Jeff Speck

Interesting to read this during a pandemic that seems to counter-punch all the desires of the new urbanists. But got a lot out of this.

Make Time by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky

Heard about this from the Focused podcast. Enjoyable with lots of tips you can pick and choose from.

An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green and A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor by Hank Green

A novel and its sequel. The second is better than the first but you’d have to read both. This was actually my second or third time starting Remarkable but my mom was so confident I’d enjoy the sequel I made a point to finish it this time. The second half had me page-turning but for whatever reason the first 50 pages just didn’t grab me like you’d think.

Learning to Breathe Fire by J. C. Herz

A history of CrossFit and its early prominent figures. Fun read.

Talent is Overrated by Geoff Colvin

A predecessor of the sort of content I enjoy from Cal Newport. An exploration into deliberate practice theory.

Range by David Epstein

A corollary to Talent is Overrated touting the need for diversity of expertise in both teams and individuals, as opposed to betting on a speciality.

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

A thoughtful novel worthy of its own post; also recommended to me by my mom. It came out several years ago but its setting in a pandemic made it good 2020 reading. Five-stars and would recommend. HBO is making it into a miniseries starring Mackenzie Davis which I’ll definitely watch.

By Alex

Web Developer and Fitness Coach in Louisville, KY